New Month=New Me

Okay, not really, but I’m working on it.

March is here.  Can you believe it?  I can’t.  March is always a long month.  First, because it’s long, but second because you start thinking about spring and green and warmth, but (at least in my geographical region) it’s still pretty cold.  You might get a few teasing lovely days, then the next day it will snow.  There’s just all this hope that goes unrealized in March.

In February, I did enter a few contests.  I submitted to a publisher.  It looks like I’ve found a CP who is going to work out really well.  I upgraded my membership.  Basically, I did what I set out to do in the writing department.

My goals for March are focused on two main things:  weight loss & writing.

For weight loss, I am doing a couple things.  Continuing to try to do the 30 Day Shred at least 4 times a week.  Giving up pop for Lent (this is going to hurt).  And decreasing some of the processed food my family eats.  Once fresh vegetables start popping up around here, I’ll also work on incorporating more into our meals.  I want to lose weight, but more importantly I just want to be more healthy.  If I make these changes, the weight should come off too.

For writing, I am determined to finish my WIP by the 31st, part of this is trying to incorporate more of a writing schedule in my day to day life.  I hope to hear back on my Medical partial submission as well.  I may enter another contest, though money will be a factor on that goal (unless I can find a good free contest).  And, I hope to continue to work with my CP because so far it’s been a really great experience.

Setting monthly goals has really helped me achieve more than setting big year-long goals.  It helps me get back on the wagon quicker if I fall off and it helps me move at a slower pace so the change has a better chance of actually sticking.

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